
Configure Appointment Details

Rapid Health

To use our new booking system, please go here

Morning Surgery

08:00 until 11:00

Afternoon Surgery

15:00 until 17:40

(Times may sometimes vary with earlier appointments being available).

Appointment Types

A doctor in a white coat, arms crossed, holding a red stethoscope in their right hand

Enhanced Access

In North West Leicestershire the 12 practice are working in collaboration as a Primary Care Network (PCN) and this allows us to provide services jointly or at scale.

As a PCN we are now offering enhanced access appointments to you and these are available: -

  • Monday to Friday – 7.30am - 8:00am
  • Monday to Friday – 6:30pm - 8:00pm
  • Saturday – 9:00am - 5:00pm

These appointments are delivered and rotated between two hub locations:-

  • Castle Medical Group, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
  • Long Lane Surgery, Coalville

This is a bookable appointment service and appointments are available to book and cancel through your online account eg NHS app, SystmOnline. 


Please note: Your appointment may not be with one of the clinicians you usually see at your practice, and depending on the reason for your appointment it may be more appropriate for you to see a Paramedic, Pharmacist or Advanced Nurse Practitioner than a GP.

The clinician you see will be able to access your medical notes and this information will be available to view in your medical records by Castle Medical Group.

When your practice is closed please telephone 01530 566550. If we are unable to answer your call please leave a message or alternatively, you can email:

green cross, for a pharmacy

Pharmacy First

What can this service offer?

The Pharmacy First service went live on the 31st January 2024.  This service is available to patients as a walk-in service as well as a service to be referred into by NHS 111, GP practice clinicians and GP practice admin staff.

This service will enable Community Clinical Pharmacists to supply some prescription medications, where clinically appropriate under the guidance of a PGD (Patient Group Directive).  Pharmacies who are part of this service in Ashby are Ashby Pharmacy, Boots, Dean and Smedley and Tesco pharmacy.

What conditions can the Clinical Pharmacist treat? 

Bites and stings

Cold and flu symptoms

Congestion (blocked runny nose, hay fever, excess mucus)

Ears (Wax, blocked)

Eyes (conjunctivitis, dry, runny, or sore eyes)

Gastric (Bowel issue, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, haemorrhoids, and vomiting)

General muscular pain (sprains and strains)

Skin conditions (ache, athletes foot, rashes, warts, verruca’s)

Mouth and throat conditions (cold sores, ulcers, sore throat) 


There is also an additional list of some new conditions that Pharmacy First can now prescribe for :


Clinical Pathway

Age Criteria

Uncomplicated UTI

16-64 years


18 years and over


1 year and older

Infected insect bites

1 year and older


12 years and over

Sore throat

5 years and over

Acute Otitis media

1-17 years


What conditions are not suitable to be referred to Pharmacy First?

Children under the age of one year

Immunosuppressed patients

Severe Symptoms

Pregnant patients

Symptoms or conditions that have lasted for more than 3 weeks.

Has not responded to over-the-counter medication.

For UTI criteria age between 16-64 not pregnant diabetic or had antibiotics in the last 3 week. Males excluded you will need to contact Castle Medical Group to speak to a GP.


What happens when I am referred to Pharmacy First

The referral from the GP practice will share details with the Clinical Pharmacist about your minor illness.

You will need to contact the pharmacy ideally within 1 hour following your referral.  The pharmacy will then arrange a face-to-face appointment or a web cam consultation with the Clinical Pharmacist.  The pharmacy will aim to consult with you on the same day, however the pharmacist will advise if this is not possible. 

You will be asked about your medical history and current symptoms in the same way which a GP practice clinician would ask about them.

The pharmacist will then provide you with advice and prescribe medication to you should they feel it is appropriate.

What happens if Pharmacy First cannot treat my Illness?

If the Clinical Pharmacist feels that you need to be seen by your GP practice urgently then they will call or send the referral back to us to ensure that you are seen.  You may also be referred to us to arrange a non-urgent follow up appointment with a GP practice clinician.

calendar pin

Statistics - DNA (Did Not Attend) Data

Appointments are at a premium and every missed appointment could have been offered to another patient if we had been notified within a reasonable timeframe. 

Please see the links below to view the DNA statistics for 2024/2025:

January 2025

December 2024

November 2024

October 2024

September 2024

August 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024


head in hands

Our DNA (Did Not Attend) Policy

We're trying to manage our demand and capacity, and one way we’re aiming to do this is by working with all patients that fail to attend appointments. If you would like support with this, please contact a Patient Services Lead.
Please be aware, that if multiple DNAs occur within a six-month period, we may restrict your access in the following ways:

  • Only being able to pre-book one appointment at a time
  • Revoking access to online booking
  • We will ask you to confirm your attendance the day before to all future appointments and failure to do so will result in the appointment being cancelled without prior notice
ring the doctors

Unable to attend an appointment? Let us know!

We understand that missing an appointment is sometimes unavoidable. If you know that you can't attend and wish to cancel your appointment, contact us as soon as possible to allow us to offer your appointment to another patient, ideally 30 minutes before your appointment.  If you are cancelling using any of the online services, please be aware that this will need to be done 1 hour before your appointment is due to start to allow the system to process your request:
Call us on: 01530 414131
Email us at:
patient in bed doctor

Home Visits

Please ring for home visits between 08:00 and 11:00, if possible, so the GP will be able to see you on their rounds and not have to make a special journey. These visits will be with an allocated GP. All home visit requests after 11:00 will be with the on-call duty GP. 

Our staff are happy to give home care when appropriate. Most ill patients and their carers prefer care to take place in the home rather than in hospital. 

The team is dedicated to providing the best possible standard of care at home but it comes with a lot of disadvantages. Facilities at home can never be as good as the practices and travelling takes up time which could be spent seeing patients in surgery. 

For these reasons the Doctors have asked staff to only arrange home visits when the patient is too ill to come to the Practice. 

Follow this link for more guidelines on our home visits.

A person facing away, holding a mobile phone to their ear


If you wish to speak to a clinician but don't need to see them in person you can ask our Patient Services Advisors to arrange for them to call you, rather than attending the practice. The clinicians usually do their ringbacks during and at the end of the morning surgery. Therefore, if you would like a ring back please call before 11:00.

These are particularly suitable for: 

  • Prescription queries 
  • Continuing sickness certificates - e.g., you still feel unwell after seeing a clinician earlier in the week, but don't need to see them again in person 
  • Results of investigations - the Patient Services Advisors can give you results if they are normal and no action is required, however, other cases might require an appointment to see the requesting clinician. If you prefer, you can ask for them to ring and discuss your results.


Sometimes, the clinician may decide they would like to see you in person after speaking to you on the phone, in these cases, they will arrange an appointment with you.

Please note that this is unrelated to the BT Ring Back service.

Teaching Within the Practice

We believe we should pass our skills to others, so we proudly have Trainee Doctors regularly at Castle Medical Group.

Registrar Doctors

Registrars are fully qualified doctors who have decided they would like to become GP's. They undertake blocks of training varying between four months and a year of ‘on-the-job’ training with us here and are supervised by the Partners. You may be booked with a Registrar and we will notify you at the time of booking if this is the case.

Medical Students 

We regularly have a medical student here for a 6 week placements, these are young people training to become Doctors. You will be informed if there is a medical student sitting in with a clinician you wish to see and asked if you are prepared to have the medical student in your consultation. Do not be afraid to say no.

Video Consultations 

As part of their training both the Registrars and medical students have to video consultations. You will always be asked if you are happy for this to happen and be given an information leaflet and consent form. At the same time the Patient Services Advisor will explain the procedure to you. A recording will not be undertaken without a patient's consent and intimate or physical examinations will not be recorded. The camera will be switched off on request. Please do not be afraid to say no if you are uncomfortable with this, and it will not affect the care we provide for you in any way.